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Dia-Burnout Series: Episode 1 with a fellow guest blogger!

Join me today with a fellow DIABETIC BLOGGER'S take on DIABETES BURNOUT - GUEST BLOG FEATURING MARISSA DOLAN @type1marischristine

Welcome back, Champions!!

Get excited, because I've been wanting to start a series on a couple different diabetes-related topics, and here's my first one! For those of you living with type 1, what comes to mind when I say "burnout?" If you've been through diabetes burnout before, probably not the best feelings, which is pretty normal.


For those of you who do not have #T1D, let me give you the lowdown: diabetes burnout is a state in a person's life where they are just DONE with diabetes - they're over it's constant presence and they ignore that they even have it. Diabetes burnout can last for weeks, months, or for some people, a very, very, very long time.

Diabetes burnout is very mental. It hits you hard, because diabetes is such a time consuming disease. It requires you to manage it every day, 24/7, with no breaks or "vacations." Burnout can come at any stage, whether you're still relatively new to your diagnosis or years into your journey with type one.

Burnout is NOT EASY. It take a lot to even check your blood sugar, and sometimes it can go for so much longer just because it's so much easier to ignore the fact that you even have T1D! Everyone's experience with burnout is different, so don't compare yourself to others when they recount their own experience with burnout. I decided to talk about burnout, because I've seen it everywhere on my social media feeds, and have so many of my close #T1D friends going through it. I don't want anyone to feel ashamed if you're currently going through it. You can do this! There are resources out there, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, trust me. We all go through it, and we've all been there at some point in our diabetic journey when dealing with the shots, pricks, high and low blood sugars just gets to us and we want to give it all back. The point of my post is to give everyone hope and courage to fight it!

Today's post is also exciting because it's also my first guest blog post! Also a fellow diabetic blogger, Marissa and I have been friends on instagram for a while now, and decided to do a joint-guest post on each of our blogs! I decided to go ahead and ask her questions related to diabetes burnout so you all can get another perspective on burnout, so go ahead and check out her answers below! It was great getting to get to know her and meet another fellow #T1D fighter. Be sure to check out her social media links below, and make sure to check out my interview on her site!

ALSO!! THIS IS A SERIES, SO DON'T MISS THE FOLLOWING POSTS TO THIS ONE! I'll be sharing my own experiences with burnout, my tips and tricks, and what you can do to get out of the rut and prevent burnout!


Marissa's social media accounts:

Instagram: @type1marischristine

Twitter: @rissersdee


How old were you when you were diagnosed?

1.) I was diagnosed on April 20th, 1998 so I had just turned 4 this year will be my 20th anniversary and like you I am also super proud to have made it this far!

Would you rather have had diabetes since a young age or until you were well until you adulthood? Why?

2.) If i would of had the choice, I feel like I would have been better off getting Diabetes when I was a bit older. Do not get me wrong I have no regrets as far as when my journey began because it has made me who I am today.

What’s the first word/sentence that comes to mind when you hear “burnout” ?

3.) When I think of the word Burnout, immediately DKA comes to mind because it brings back memories of a time where I was so burnt out from my diabetes but I am happy to say I have overcome that obstacle.

When was your latest diabetes burnout / episode you remember?

4.) My last burnout was actually not too long ago, September 30th to be exact!

What do you wish people knew the most about burnout?

5.) I wish people knew exactly how we as diabetics feel when we go through those episodes. We aren't doing it for attention we do it because we all have our moments where we are just tired, tired of the things we deal with in life sometimes and for us that is our illness. I wish people knew that aside from spreading awareness we also struggle alot.

How do you help yourself prevent/decrease your chances of burnout, and what worked the best for you personally?

6.) Well since last going through a burnout episode in October, as of lately I tend to set reminders or alarms on my phone for each time i should or would normally test so I do not forget! For me personally, I have found that setting those alarms have helped but also since getting involved with social media and the T1D community also has helped me want to continue to do better.

What do you think is the hardest thing about burnout?

7.) For me, the hardest thing about going through a burnout is definitely slipping into DKA and the constant vomiting and being dehydrated to the point where your lips are so dry they stick together. Not only that but trying to come back from slipping so far behind in taking care of myself!

What did you learn the most about yourself or your personal journey with diabetes through your episode of burnout?

8.) I have learned that if I really stick to taking care of myself I can do it, I have seen so many times of me being off and on track where I do SO well but yet I end up falling back off track. So now as of lately i have tried to remember I CAN do well for myself if I just stick to it!

And lastly, what advice would you give anyone with diabetes?

9.) The best advice I can give to anyone else who deals with Diabetes would have to be to always remember you are NOT alone! I have found it to be so helpful making friends through Instagram or Twitter that happen to also be diabetic. Also be sure to ASK questions or any advice you may have because any little tip or detail will help you push through!


Thanks for reading you guys, as always I'll see you guys next week for the next installment of the Dia-burnout series!




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